Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Share and Save


Glad to have you here at College Go Green.  Let me tell you about what this blog is dedicated to providing  as you take a break from the books.  The mission is to share great ideas amongst ecologically conscious college students that are looking to save money and save the planet.

Sustainability is key.  To make this idea possible this blog will share how-to information about turning your living space into a productive area.  If you live in a dorm or if you live in an apartment, you'll find great projects you can start at reasonable prizes.  If done correctly the long term effects of choosing to practice sustainability can lead to more money in your pocket and a feeling of accomplishment.  Most importantly, you will be broadening your knowledge on how to live ecologically later in life.

Again, I'm glad to have you here as we embark on this journey to save through sharing.
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Mountain Stream- Mother Earth